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April 27th Ballot Proposition

Dear Customer,

The Water & Sewer Commission #4 needs your help. Currently you, the customers of the Commission, have in place a Bond Millage of 13.54 mills for Debt Service. Recently, the cost of operating our water and sewer systems (such as chemicals, repairs, and equipment) has increased greatly. Our systems also require improvements to maintain the quality of the water we provide you. At the same time, we want to avoid raising your rates further. We are therefore seeking your approval to issue bonds to fund these improvements. The bonds, combined with a recent grant we received will allow us to add an additional water storage tank, upgrade the equipment and make necessary repairs to the water plant. Your approval will extend the Bond Millage for an additional 11 years but will not increase the 13.54 mills being levied.

Your continued support is needed for us to keep moving in the right direction to provide you with the best water and sewer service within the Parish. We are respectfully requesting your thoughtful consideration of the proposed bonds and the Bond Millage extension. The election will be held on April 27, 2024.

Should you have any questions and/or concerns, please allow us the opportunity to address them. You can do so by contacting any of the following commission members listed below.

            Ms. Stephanie Burney Milton                         Mr. William Gray

            Mr. Anthony (Tony) Darden                           Mr. Joel Authement

            Mrs. Jenny Darce                                            Mr. Benjamin Grimm

            Mr. Willie Scott


Respectfully yours,


Willie Scott, President